Monday, July 8, 2013

America-Neil Diamond

As much as I love to travel, there is something reassuring about returning to your home country.  You land and all of a sudden all the signs are in English and you understand the process and what is happening all around you.  Even if you are confused, you can easily communicate about what you need to do.  I love being in new places, but there is a feeling of relief when you understand what is happening around you and no longer have to concentrate so hard to communicate on a basic level.  It’s almost as if you don’t truly realize how much you have to think about to communicate in another language and country until all of a sudden you don’t have to think that hard any more.  It is a good reminder that we shouldn’t let ourselves settle into complacency but continue to challenge ourselves with new experiences and ideas.

As I am settled in on my final flight to Bozeman (this is my 12th flight since I left Bozeman in June,) I’m excited to see my family and friends.  I can’t wait to pet my dog and it will be nice to sleep in my own bed in my own house.  As always, there are some comfort foods I look forward to eating when I get back from a trip abroad and I can’t wait for a fresh salad from Biankini’s and some Mexican food!


  1. happy birthday Ms. Schnee! Brazil looks fun! Have a wonderful birthday! I am so excited to be working with you and your students!

  2. Happy birthday, sound fun, and I would be reassured to be in my own country to. So excited to get the opportunity to talk to your students.
